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Spirit Level

With a name that is derived from our bass player's bizarre pre-gig preparation ritual, Spirit Level provides the dark, unerring, driving force which underpins every song we play.


He is the sponge in our sherry trifle, the basmati in our biriani.Originally raised by primates in Bhutan, Spirit only communicated by beating his chest (or anyone elses) until a few years ago when he picked up a bass guitar, mistaking it for a young tree. The rest is history.


Now with a comprehensive knowledge of music theory and the ability to play many instruments, some of the band (don't tell The VF about this bit) rely on him to tell them how to play and in what key. Others ignore his advice and play in the wrong key. But hey, that's jazz.


Stop Press.... Spirit Level was successful in obtaining planning permission and now has a 2 storey Trace Ellliot Bass cab to explode the 5 string Peavey bad boy through. If you have a pacemaker fitted or have a weakened rib cage, do not stand in front of him when playing. We accept no responsibility for anything, ever. His frets do go down as well as up. Your home may be at risk if you give him your keys.

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